Industry Group

ATRA Industry Group (IG) works to promote and provide objective information about advanced transit systems. ATRA IG’s emphasis is on fully-automated, market-ready, land-based transit systems capable of operating in a network and providing an improvement over traditional public transit means.

The Industry Group vision is to encourage the development and deployment of advanced transportation systems that will be a boon to everyone and to provide professional, unbiased and honest advice and help to those interested in PRT or GRT systems. ATRA IG represents all advanced transit industry disciplines with a proven track record in advanced transit applications. Membership is therefore open to organizations experienced with applications of advanced transit.

Membership includes individual membership for up to five employees.

Current members of the ATRA Industry Group
Tubenet Transit Tubenet Transit is designed and developed by the Tubenet Transit Institute led by Dr Nanzheng Yung. The team aims to develop an advanced transportation system to solve worldwide traffic difficulties especially for megacities with high pollution density and achieve highly efficient, fast, comfortable and green travel.
2GetThere logo atra
4Dialog Sustainable, urban and transportation development using 4D internet gaming technology. Our passion is the belief that only a shared picture of what the future may look like can create a sustainable society. Our 4D models are used to facilitate efficient conversations between parties – everyone can see, experience, and influence the content of the imagined future. For us, a project is so much more than a temporary event in a city – it is the foundation to transform a whole society over time via a model that can be reused and refined as more local partners join. In other words, we are not only working to create longterm sustainable development of society – our own model is treated along the same principles – but also to create longterm values that are emphasized as the model develops.
Would you like to know more? Contact us.
2getthere 2getthere’s mission is to develop, market, implement and (if required) operate, sustainable Automated People Mover Systems. 2getthere has extensive experience in the field of realizing PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) and GRT (Group Rapid Transit) systems. With two operational systems (Masdar and Rivium), 2getthere has an extensive track record gathering knowledge and realizing improvements over the 14-year span of operations of these applications. 2GetThere
Berger/ABAM Today, BergerABAM stands for the very best in professional project management, engineering, and construction management and support services worldwide. BergerABAM’s six decades of success in engineering are highlighted by the many landmark projects that reflect its history of providing innovative solutions in a variety of engineering fields. BergerABAM’s services feature the application of state-of-the-art rail and guided transit systems in both new and rehabilitated programs. berger abam logo atra
Lea+Elliott Lea+Elliott is a transportation consulting firm offering a broad range of services for clients worldwide. Our principal activities involve transportation system planning, procurement, project structuring strategies, and implementation oversight leading to the start of passenger service. We are experienced in all modes of transit, including automated and conventional rapid transit, automated guideway transit (or automated people mover (APM)), personal rapid transit and emerging technologies.
LogistikCentrum LogistikCentrum is the consulting firm of Dr. Ingmar Andreasson. The company offers vendor-independent PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) systems design, network planning, control strategies and demand modelling. Ingmar Andreasson is the developper of PRTsim, a generic PRT systems simulator with unique control options including dynamic adaptive routing, vehicle platooning, multiple speed levels and passenger ride-sharing strategies. Over the last 20 years PRTsim has been applied to more than 50 PRT networks. Ingmar Andreasson on LinkedIn  
PRT Consulting PRT Consulting is the only U.S. firm of professional engineers and planners specializing in providing consulting services relevant to personal rapid transit (PRT). We are vendor-independent. We are dedicated to improving transportation through innovative engineering. We believe that incremental improvements are no longer sufficient to overcome the rapidly growing problems of congestion, pollution and security facing both surface and air transportation systems : prt consulting
ULTra PRT ULTra (Urban Light Transport) is an innovative form of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT). The ULTra system consists of small, lightweight, computer-driven electric vehicles running on slender, special-purpose guideways. ULTra PRT (originally Advanced Transport Systems Ltd) began developing the system in 1995, in association with the University of Bristol.
University of Bologna DICAM is the Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering at the University of Bologna. Its sustainable transport group has performed research on Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) since 2003. Activities include the development of the PRT-simulator iTS, static empty-and-full vehicle flow assignment models, station capacity models, demand estimations, vehicle control algorithms and mechanical PRT models. DICAM has also been consulting relevant PRT planning studies, such as Masdar and Heathrow.  
Podaris The future of sustainable urban transport is here. Automated Transit Networks will change the way we live, play, and work. They will transform how we design cities.Podaris is collaborative design software that will enable developers, planners, architects, and engineers to make the most of this revolutionary new technology.
podaris logo atra
Arup We are an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services. Through our work, we make a positive difference in the world. We shape a better world. Arup has over fifteen years of direct PRT planning, design development and delivery experience, including the infrastructure design and design integration management of Heathrow pod, and the technical and economic feasibility study for San José, CA. Arup logo atra
 ModuTram MODUTRAM develops, integrates and markets automated transport systems offering innovative, effective and sustainable mobility. Based in Guadalajara, Mexico’s Silicon Valley, MODUTRAM focuses on congested cities in emerging market economies. MODUTRAM’s Autotrén system is a modular and affordable solution based on GRT that complements other mass transit systems, specifically where ground-level Bus Rapid Transit does not fit or where conventional rail is not economically viable.
ModuTram logo

Entry Requirements

ATRA IG represents all advanced transit industry disciplines with a proven track record in advanced transit applications. Membership is therefore open to organizations experienced with applications of advanced transit. For each industry discipline representative thresholds that demonstrate such experience are outlined. Membership is open to those meeting either the primary or the secondary requirements. Fulfilment of these requirements will be considered for application to ATRA IG.

Primary Requirement: Having been involved directly (either reimbursed for the effort by the customer or the supplier) in one of the advanced transit applications listed as ‘operational’ by ATRA.

Secondary Requirement:

  • Vendors: Having realized a 1:1 scale test track demonstrating switching with more than 1 fully operational and capable prototype vehicle AND actively marketing the product (which is shown e.g. by contributing to conferences);
  • Consultants and Engineers: Having obtained at least 3 paid studies in which advanced transit is a primary consideration (by the customer or a supplier) AND actively contributing to the distribution of the knowledge on the work conducted;
  • Research Institutions & Universities: Having published at least two papers in the last three years describing original work that adds to the body of knowledge of advanced transit AND actively contributing to the distribution of the results and the knowledge of the work conducted;
  • Supply Industry: Actively supplied product to the PRT Industry AND actively marketing and communicating the products available and/or supplied

ATRA IG will consider membership applications, and its vote will determine membership acceptance. A nomination is required, with a standard nomination and voting process:

  • Nomination for membership to ATRA IG can be made by one of the current members, seconded by another ATRA IG member. Alternatively corporations that believe they are qualified can submit their nomination.  Submitted nominations will be considered by the board for acceptance.
  • Each nomination must be accompanied by a summary of experience relevant to advanced transit, and showing attainment of membership criteria.
  • Current ATRA IG membership votes on all nominations. Applicants are judged (and voted on) by the entry restrictions listed above.
  • Entry will not be granted if 3 or more members vote against entry of the corporation to ATRA. Each vote against has to be accompanied by a motivation or will be considered invalid. Votes are due within 2 weeks of the application being distributed.

Member Obligations

Each ATRA IG member commits to the obligations associated with the membership. The obligations can be subject to change and are determined year-by-year based on what the consensus of the ATRA IG members believe to be of interest to ATRA IG and ATRA.

All members will uphold the ATRA IG values and commit to be clear and realistic about what is possible now and what are future possibilities. At all times members will refrain from making negative comments about other members. The members will also clearly show the ATRA logo in their marketing, specifically at the relevant conferences.

For the different groups there are additional desired contributions to improve ATRA and the information provided through ATRA’s communication channels:


  1. Contribute truthful data to the systems comparison page
  2. Provide a case description of each application operational or in realization

Consultants & Engineers

  1. Provide a summary on studies conducted (without customer name if required)

Research Institutions & Universities

  1. Provide a summary on research conducted (without customer name if required)