

Name Morgantown PRT
Client West Virginia University
Location Morgantown PRT , West Virginia University, 99 Eighth Street, PO Box 6565, Morgantown, WV 26506-6565, USA
Function Morgantown was selected by  UMTA (now known as FTA) as a demonstration site which had extremes of climate (-18 to +100) including heavy snow, difficult terrain (Morgantown is geographically constrained by a valley), traffic congestion and had a real passenger demand (the student population of West Virginia University, WVU).  It   provides a fast and easy way for WVU students, faculty / staff and local residents to move between campuses
Status Live operation since 1975 Phase 1, 1979 Phase 2
Cost $125m plus land costs
    • The track is 3.6 miles long (8.7 individual lane miles) has 5 stations and includes a maintenance depot and control room. Gradients of up to 10% are included.
    • Each vehicle (71 in total) can carry up to 21 passengers 8 of which can be seated. The system runs at a 15 sec headway and a 30mph top speed
    • The system operates in 2 modes – on-demand and scheduled. This means that some cars are dispatched on prearranged schedules increasing capacity.
    • Journey time to ride the entire length of the system is 11½ minutes
    • The system operates during term time from 6:30AM to 10:15PM during week days, 9:30AM to 5:00PM Saturday and is closed on Sunday

Capacity 4800 pax/per hour/per direction max.
Supplier Boeing  Aerospace Co
End Users Benefits Prior to PRT students of WVU had to catch buses between classes in different campuses. Because of the geography of Morgantown it was therefore not possible to have consecutive lectures in different campuses.
Owner Benefits
  • In 2010 the system had covered over 25 million vehicle miles and carried over 75 million passengers
  • Typical daily ridership 15,000
  • 31,000 on a busy day
  • Allows University to operate a more flexible curriculum
  • Reduced traffic congestion in downtown Morgantown
  • Reduced pollution
  • Each vehicle has 2 doors one on each side, there are no platform doors.
  • Loading time is 15sec. The system is accessible to wheelchair users.
  • The vehicles run on rubber tyres reducing noise.
  • Track access and stalled vehicles removal from the track to refuge areas is accomplished by means of manually driven 4WD Jeeps.
  • The track is heated (with a 2 hour lead in time) by a water-glycol mix to prevent icing and snow build up. Power is supplied to the vehicles through a 575v AC bus bar system which runs along the side of the track and is electrically heated.
  • Availability has been around 98% for many years
  • 75 million passenger trips without any serious injuries
  • Independent fixed block collision avoidance system
  • CCTV in all stations
  • Pro-Active operator intervention
  • Audion comms with vehicle and station
  • Lea+Elliott