ATRA President, Peter Muller was second prize winner in the Association of Equipment Manufacturers’ Transportation Infrastructure Vision 2050 Challenge.
The competition drew entries from around the world and the five finalists for the $100,000 prize money included four from the US and one from Uganda. All finalists participated in presentations to five esteemed judges and a large audience at the CON-Expo trade show in Las Vegas on February 8th, 2017.
Muller’s submittal was based largely on his paper titled A New Transportation Paradigm that Facilitates High Quality Living which expounds upon the quality of life improvements associated with guideway transportation as opposed to road transportation. A key line from his presentations was: “Imagine living and working in a park-like environment, yet being in the midst of a dense city and having high-speed transportation on demand for you and all of your family members.”
Muller’s Small Automated Road Transportation (SmART) system is based on current automated transit systems (ATN) taken to the next level by incorporating ideas for freight vehicles, off-guideway vehicles as well higher speeds with greater capacity and short stations as proposed by ATRA member Gene Nishinaga (Transit Control Solutions). When asked what he plans to do with his share of the winnings, Muller stated: “Continue to support PRT Consulting and the Advanced Transit Association towards getting ATN and SmArt systems implemented.”