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ATRA Technix 2015

November 4th, 2014
January 10, 2015 @ 9:30 am – 7:00 pm
Technology Ventures Building
5000 College Avenue
College Park, MD 20740
$60 with catered dinner, $35 without
Reuben Juster

University of Maryland Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) is proud to once again host the ATRA Technix workshop. A full day of stimulating speakers and panel discussion on the whole spectrum of advanced transit in planned. Whereas past years emphasis has been primarily on PRT/ATN, this year the agenda includes ATN as well as other automated modes and automated/connected vehicles, all as they relate to public mobility.

Price: $60 with catered dinner, $35 without catered dinner

Email if you have dietary restrictions or general Technix Questions

Please register here:

Registration Options

9:30 AM Light Breakfast
10:00 AM Welcome to Technix & Introduction
10:15 AM Ingmar Andreasson (VP ATRA Europe, LogistikCentrum AB)
Sharing driverless vehicles on guideways and on roads
10:45 AM Peter Muller (ATRA Industry Group and PRT Consulting)
Planning the Future of Automated Transportation and PRT/Shuttle Bus Comparison Study
11:15 AM Shannon McDonald (Chair, ATRA Academic Council and Southern Illinois U.)
ATRA Academic Success and Opportunities”
11:45 AM Alain Kornhauser (ATRA Chair and Princeton University)
Research Center for Automated Vehicles at Fort Monmouth
12:15 PM Catered Lunch
1:15 PM Eric Marx (Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission)
Transit Operators’ Perspective
1:45 PM Walter Kulyk (Chair, Automated Transit Systems (AP040) and retired FTA)
Federal Perspective
2:15 PM Break
2:45 PM Advanced Transit Technology Focused Panel Discussion
4:30 PM Closing Remarks
5:00 PM Adjourn Technix
5:30 PM Catered Dinner
7:00 PM ATRA Business Meeting

5000 College Avenue
Technology Ventures Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-3021
Near College Park Metro station
Drive: Use 201 from Beltway