23- 24 April, 2016 – Rome, Italy
In conjunction with the International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems – VEHITS 2016
Chaired by: Professor Rongfang (Rachel) Liu
The workshop will showcase various transit vehicle technologies and operations that have significant impact on the sustainable development of urban environment. The occasion will bring together researchers, practitioners, and decision makers from all over the world to explore the interaction between transportation, especially urban transit, and nature and built environment, energy consumption, and sociecty values.
Dr. Liu is a transportation professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Her research interests include Intermodal and Multimodal Transportation Planning and Engineering, Operation Research and Network Simulations, and transportation safety performance analyses. Rachel was the Chair for TRB Committee AP040: Automated Transit system (ATS) for 2008-2014. Dr. Liu has authored a number of books, book chapters, referred journal papers. She also made more than a hundred presentations in the transportation, urban planning, and related fields. She has just completed a book titled: Automated Transit: Planning, Operation and Applications, which will be published by Wiley and Sons.
April 23-24, 2016. Rome, Italy.