On March 22 David Holdcroft and David Little will be speakers at the Automated Transit Network seminar. The seminar will be held at the University of Maryland (Fairway Room at Univ. of Maryland Golf Course clubhouse, located off of University Blvd (MD-193) in College Park Maryland), commencing at 10AM.
Speaker: David Holdcroft
Mr. Holdcroft was the terminal manager for British Airports Authority overseeing the installation and start up of the Ultra Personal Rapid Transit system that now serves Heathrow Airport Terminal 5, connecting the terminal with a parking facility. The Heathrow project has been under full operation for several months. Mr. Holdcroft will share the history of the project, experiences and lessons learned while the system has been under operation including user feedback and economic impact, as well as look forward to perspective future projects for this technology.
Speaker: David D. Little, AICP
Mr. Little is a Principal at the transportation consulting firm of Lea+Elliott. He has worked on numerous airport landside mobility studies and implementations during his 20 years at Lea+Elliott. These studies and system implementations have included automated people movers and automated transit networks, as well as bus systems. David will present on airport landside development and how improved access to the landside facilities increases the facility’s value. He will also discuss typical funding sources for landside transport systems. Mr. Little authored ACRP Report 37 on the planning and implementation of APMs at Airports, published in 2010.