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    The Fourth Martin Lowson Paper Award at the Podcar City Conference, Gavle, Sweden

    October 19th, 2018


    The fourth Martin Lowson Award, is given in honor of the inventor of the first modern PRT system, and encourages young researchers to perform  high quality research in the field of Automated Transit Systems (ATN). This year the award has been presented to Ing.Jessaï Arakelian-von Freeden for his Master thesis entitled ”The feasibility and benefits of introducing an autonomous minibus on-demand system in rural public transport: A simulation-based analysis”. The 500 $ award and diploma was handed over by ATRA vice president Ingmar Andreasson during the PodCar City conference this October in Gavle, Sweden. The thesis deals with the performance evaluation and the economic feasibility analysis of autonomous public transport in sparsely populated rural areas, where conventional public transport typically offers a scarce service.

    For the presented work, Jessaï Arakelian has received his Masters Title in 2018 from the Transportation Institute at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Land- und Seeverkehr, Verkehrswesen).
