For the past 5 years Princeton University, the Boro of Princeton and Princeton Township have been engaged in discussions related to the University’s expansion plans. One of the outcomes has been an agreement to form a joint transportation task force and to fund a transportation study of Princeton’s next generation transit options. The RFP has now been released and innovative transportation is in the mix and that energy efficiency will be considered. Joint proposals are encouraged; therefore smaller players on the cutting edge might partner up with bigger rail oriented firms to respond.
The intent of the project is to determine if the existing commuter transit service can be extended to Nassau Street and perhaps beyond. The respondent shall consider a series of options including a conversion of this service to a light rail system reaching Nassau St. as well as other suitable transit options including those based on emerging new transportation technologies which have the potential to meet our needs.
To receive the complete RFP please contact:
Lee Solow PP
Princeton Regional Planning Board
400 Witherspoon St.
Princeton, NJ 08540
609 924 5366
lsolow at