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    Transportation Conference

    September 13th, 2013

    The Innovations In Sustainable Transportation Conference will be held in Broomfield, Colorado, October 10-11, 2013.

    Speakers include ATRA’s Peter Muller – the president of PRT Consulting.

    See more on the conference’s website.

    Podcar City Conference 7

    August 6th, 2013

    Podcar City Conference 7ATRA has participated in the first six annual Podcar City conferences organised by the Stockholm-based Institute for Sustainable Transportation (IST). The seventh will take place October 23-25 in the US capital in cooperation with the USDOT and the International Society of City and Regional Planners (Isocarp). ATRA members are entitled to a discounted registration rate. For information, visit the conference website.

    Automated People Movers and Automated Transit Systems

    July 16th, 2013

    The ASCE bi-annual Conference on Automated People Movers and Automated Transit Systems was held this year in Phoenix, Arizona.  While this conference has traditionally been targeted at builders and operators of large Automated People Movers, there seems to be a growing realisation within this community that the next step in the evolution of automated transit is to smaller vehicles that provide point-to-point, on-demand service.  With that in mind, ATRA Board Member William Ackel wrote a recap of some of the conference highlights.

    This write-up can be found online here.

    Technix 2013 in D.C.

    December 27th, 2012

    Preceeding the Annual Transportation Research Board in Washington D.C., ATRA is organizing it’s Technix on Sunday, January 13. Please join the professionals gathered through ATRA in discussing the latest developments on advanced transit.

    The Technix is hosted at the University of Maryland’s CATT facility in Washington D.C., conveniently reached by both road and rail (Metro station College Park on the Green Line). Doors will open at 8:30 for coffee and continental breakfast.

    For registration visit the Technix event page:


    March 22: ATN Seminar

    March 14th, 2012

    On March 22 David Holdcroft and David Little will be speakers at the Automated Transit Network seminar. The seminar will be held at the University of Maryland (Fairway Room at Univ. of Maryland Golf Course clubhouse, located off of University Blvd (MD-193) in College Park Maryland), commencing at 10AM.

    Speaker: David Holdcroft

    Mr. Holdcroft was the terminal manager for British Airports Authority overseeing the installation and start up of the Ultra Personal Rapid Transit system that now serves Heathrow Airport Terminal 5, connecting the terminal with a parking facility.  The Heathrow project has been under full operation for several months.  Mr. Holdcroft will share the history of the project, experiences and lessons learned while the system has been under operation including user feedback and economic impact, as well as look forward to perspective future projects for this technology.

    Speaker:  David D. Little, AICP

    Mr. Little is a Principal at the transportation consulting firm of Lea+Elliott.  He has worked on numerous airport landside mobility studies and implementations during his 20 years at Lea+Elliott.  These studies and system implementations have included automated people movers and automated transit networks, as well as bus systems.  David will present on airport landside development and how improved access to the landside facilities increases the facility’s value.  He will also discuss typical funding sources for landside transport systems.  Mr. Little authored ACRP Report 37 on the planning and implementation of APMs at Airports, published in 2010.