
Please find below feasibility studies and business cases of Advanced Transit Systems published or submitted over the years. This archive lists those papers published previously.

– The studies should always be read in light of the time when they were set up. Certain insights represented in studies can/will have actually have changed over time.
– The studies represent the view of the consultant at the time the study was published. They do not necessarily represent the current standing or opinion of the Advanced Transit Association or a particular individual or corporate member.


Year Organization Study Title Summary
2018 PRT Consulting, Inc. UNIFIED CORRIDOR INVESTMENT STUDY, AUTOMATED TRANSIT NETWORK ALTERNATIVE, Conceptual Evaluation The Santa Cruz Draft Unified Corridor Investment Study examined bus and train options but ignored PRT. This study evaluated the PRT alternative. It addressed thirteen key criteria and found ATN to be superior in each.
2018 PRT Consulting, Inc. Automated Transit Network Feasibility Study for Clemson, Greenville and Mauldin A Clemson ATN solution comprising 47 stations and 24.5 miles of one-way track was developed as an alternative to the CATbus Red Route. It was found the ATN solution would attract 8,423 daily riders which is 130% more than the 3,662 that currently use the CATbus Red Route. A Greenville city-wide ATN solution was developed that comprised 75 miles of one-way guideway and 141 stations. Using the model that was verified in Clemson, it was found the ATN solution would attract 99,885 daily riders.
2017 PRT Consulting, Inc. Transportation Options for Greenville This conceptual study investigates four options for improving transportation in Greenville, South Carolina. It concludes that an automated transit network (ATN) solution is a key ingredient in any mix of transportation solutions. The costs involved in implementing an ATN solution are expected to be recovered many times over in the benefits of improved mobility, safety and reduced congestion. Greenville could be a leader in exploring this option. If the benefits outweigh the costs and leaders want an ATN-facilitated transportation solution, a private-sector approach could be within reach.
2015 PRT Consulting, Inc. Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District: Preliminary Personal Rapid Transit Feasibility Study This study compared a shuttle bus solution to a PRT solution for connecting existing and proposed surface parking lots to the airport terminal. Life cycle capital and O&M costs for the preferred PRT solution were found to be slightly lower than life cycle costs for the preferred shuttle bus solution. Similarly, PRT revenues were found to be slightly higher. PRT connect times (car to terminal) of 5 – 7 minutes were substantially lower than shuttle bus times of 12 – 17 minutes. On January 15, 2015, the Airport District decided to proceed with detailed planning and preliminary engineering of an initial first phase with 0.9 track miles, five stations and about 21 vehicles.
2014 Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies Automated Transit Networks (ATN): A Review of the State of the Industry and Prospects for the Future This study explains ATN technology, setting it in the larger context of Automated Guideway Transit (AGT); looks at the current status of ATN suppliers, the status of the ATN industry, and the prospects of a U.S.-based ATN industry; summarizes and organizes proceedings from the seven Podcar City conferences that have been held since 2006; documents the U.S./Sweden Memorandum of Cooperation on Sustainable Transport; discusses how ATN could expand the coverage of existing transit systems; explains the opportunities and challenges in planning and funding ATN systems and approaches for procuring ATN systems; and concludes with a summary of the existing challenges and opportunities for ATN technology.
2014 PRT Consulting, Inc. GCEDC PRT Evaluation Final Report This study evaluated PRT as an alternative to a previously-selected bus rapid transit (BRT) solution. It found that PRT would cost about the same but attract about three times the ridership. The study also briefly addressed potential PRT solutions for downtown Greenville and the Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport.
2013 Ultra Global Limited Business Case for Airport PRT System A generic business case for an airport Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) application.
2013 ATRA ATRA Reaction to SJ ATN Studies The open letter to San Jose in reaction to the ATN report published
2012 The Aerospace Corporation Automated Transit Network Feasibility Evaluation The study with regard to the Advanced Transit Network (ATN) for San Jose airport
2009 s. Young, PRT Consulting, Inc. Mobility and Land Use Enhancements Enabled by Automated Small- Vehicle Transport Technologies at the Village West Development The study investigated the viability of a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system to improve the inter-accessibility of existing and planned facilities, to serve as a feeder to any existing and planned transit systems, and to reduce the quantity of land dedicated to roads and parking lots, freeing up land for additional development. Prepared for: Kansas State University, Kansas Department of Transportation.
2009 Bologna University, DISTART-Trasporti Initializing PRT at the Adriatic Coast An initial feasibility study of a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) network located in the city of Rimini, Italy.
2009 PRT Consulting, Inc. Fort Carson Preliminary Personal Rapid Transit Feasibility Study An preliminary feasibility study for the Department of the Army, US Army Installation Management Command to determine the feasibility of PRT to accommodate a 32% mode share for all Fort Carson-related trips at the US Army Garrison, Fort Carson, Colorado.
2008 Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation
The Viability of Personal Rapid Transit in Virginia Case studies of PRT systems under development and conclusions on the potential application of the technology in Virginia.
2007 New Jersey Department of Transportation Bureau of Research & NJ TRANSIT Viability of Personal Rapid Transit In New Jersey A report prepared for the New Jersey Legislature to document the current state of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) development and implementation and to explore the potential viability of implementing PRT in New Jersey.
2006 PRT Consulting, Inc. Analysis of Safety and Security Concerns for Automated Small Vehicle Transportation on a University Campus Safety data was gathered for the 30-year old Morgantown PRT system at West Virginia University and for surface transportation on the Kansas State University (KSU) campus. Where applicable, this data was used to calibrate the ASVT system ratings. It was also used to help determine which of the aspects rating undesirable or worse warranted additional mitigating measures.
2005 Sound Transit’s Office of Policy and Planning High Capacity Transit Connections Feasibility Study A study of potential high-capacity transit (HCT) service between SeaTac and Tukwila.
1992 BRW, Inc. SeaTac APM Executive Summary A feasibility analysis for a people mover system within the City of SeaTac.