ATRA Initiatives

This page contains copies of letters, reports, white papers, etc. prepared by ATRA or ATRA IG. They are in chronological order, newest to oldest.

Date Author(s)
2016 ATRA 2016 ATRA Strategic Plan
2015 ATRA Beyond Traffic – Choosing the Future
2015 Peter J. Muller Letter to Anthony Foxx, U.S. Secretary of Transportation
2015 Peter J. Muller Letter encouraging consideration of advanced transit systems in future planning efforts – mailed to approximately 1,300 United States transportation agencies
2014 Stanley E. Young, David Holdcroft Letter to the US Federal Highway Administration regarding the FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research program, Novel Modes Workshop
2014 ATRA Implementing Automated Transit Network Solutions, Principal Considerations
2010 Will Ackel Rethinking Transportation: The Dream of Fast, Safe and Clean Transportation Is Now Within Reach
2003 ATRA  Personal Automated Transportation: Status and Potential of Personal Rapid Transit Technology Evaluation