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    Dr. J. Edward Anderson Receives ATRA Award

    May 11th, 2018


    ATRA instituted the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advanced Transit in honor of individuals who, by their work and commitment, have contributed to the advancement of technology, to the dissemination of knowledge and to public acceptance of advanced transit.

     Nominations were invited from all over the world. The award committee unanimously decided to present this year’s award to Dr. Anderson.

     The motivation reads: “Dr. Anderson has inspired a generation of researchers and industrialists to build on his research to get advanced transit systems developed and proven in public operation.”

     The award is presented every two years in conjunction with the APM-ATS conference. The ceremony took place in Tampa on May 2nd.

     In his acceptance speech Dr. Anderson pointed out other PRT pioneers who inspired him during the early years of advanced transit in the sixties and seventies.
