Envisioning Automated Vehicles within the Built Environment: 2020, 2035, 2050.
Friday July 18th, 2014 – Hyatt Regency SF Airport.
Geared to Staff from Metropolitan Planning Organizations, County Transportation Agencies, and other Regional Planners.
In this hands-on, interactive workshop, participants will re-imagine the built environment enabled by automated vehicle technologies.
Small, eclectic teams of experts combining knowledge of a wide range of fields – city planning, infrastructure and architecture, car design, engineering, software and systems – will collaborate on scenarios. Each team starts with a different “before” condition that presents roadway, neighborhood/district and regional scales, described in words, images, maps and diagrams. They will also be provided with a time-horizon for which to develop a new scenario based on the presence of specified types of vehicles with varying degrees of shared mobility, connected vehicle technology, and autonomous operation. Case studies will include a range of modes of transportation (air, bus, rail) and roadways (freeway, arterial, residential), land use (residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial) and building type (parking, dwelling, etc.), and density.
Teams will generate, through different interactive methods and writing/visualizing techniques, “after” scenarios in order to think through the challenges and benefits to our built environment that an autonomous mobility future can hold. Each team’s work will be facilitated by an urban designer or architect.
RSVP by July 11th. Attendance is free. Limit 50 attendees.
For more details please download the pdf flyer.